PLANTS The following is a list of plants that I have at one stage put into the pond, they may not all be in there now as some don't make it through the winter. I replace them from time to time. Floaters Azolla Caroliniana (Fairy Moss) Eichornia Crassipes (Water Hyacinth) Nasturtium Officiinale (Water Cress) Pistia Stratiotes (Water Lettuce) Salvinia minima (Water Fern) Stratiotes Alodes (Water Soldier) Trapa Natans (Water Chestnut)
Oxygenators Eleocharis Acicularis (Hair Grass) Hippuris Vulgaris (Mares Tail) Myriophyllum Brasiliemsis (Red Stemmed Parrot's Feather) Myriophyllum Verticillatum (Water Milfoil)
Marginals Aponogeton Distachyos (Water Hawthorn) Caltha Palustris (Marsh Marigold - Kingcup) Equiselum Japonicum (Barred Horsetail) Houttuynia Cordata 'Chamaeleon' Iris Pseudacorus (Yellow Water Iris) Juncus Effusus Spiralis (Corkscrew Rush) Lobelia Cinnabar (Red Lobelia) Lysimachia Nummularia (Creeping Jenny) Lysimachia Nummularia Aurea (Creeping Jenny [golden]) Lythrum Salicavia (Purple Loosestrife) Mentha Aquatica (Water Mint) Mimulus Guttatus (Monkey Flower) Oenanthe, Fistulosa 'Flamingo' (Water Dropwort) Orontium Aquaticum (Golden Club) Pontederia Cordata Albu (White Pickeral Plant) Preslia Cervina (Water Spearmit) Sagittaria Sagittifolia (Arrowhead) Schizostylus Coccinea (Mrs Hegarty) (Kaffir Lily) Scirpus Zebrinus (Zebra Rush) Sisyrinchium Bellum (Blue Satin Flower) Sparganium Ramosum (Bur-reed) Typha Laxmannii (Slender Reedmace) Plus some other greenery given to me by friends that I have yet to identify
Lillies Nymphaea Marliacea Chromatella (Yellow) Nymphaea Escarboucle (Red) Nymphaea Albatross (White) |